Murder Ballad: Gardens Murder Ballad: Swamp FoodMurder Ballad: Succumbing to Spider MumsMurder Ballad: Not Seeing Red or how to keep myself creeped outMurder Ballad: Succumbing to the Sundew
Murder Ballads, late 2017 Leave a reply Murder Ballads: (Submersive Sleep) Murder Ballads: Disrupted form “Murder Ballads: littlelambszedyvy,” graphite on paper, 6″ x 6″
My Corner of the Imagination (chair drawings) My Corner of the Imagination I The More You Stand Back from Something My Corner of the Imagination XII My Corner of the Ocean, Bottled Up Installation proposal step one-Covered and Smothered Chair romancing racism and bigotry My Corner of the Imagination III Don’t let fear win Kleenex and ill chair My Corner of the Imagination VI In the next room or Out the window Rapture (in process) I’ll Fly Away Tilted Wave Tilt and Swab-the-Private-Deck Cake Installation Proposal #2- Raw Chairs I In the next room Or Out the window I My Corner of the Imagination X Sinus Chair My Corner of the Imagination V My Corner of the Imagination II My corner of the imagination IV hanging “thank g*d for small murders” Joyce Barnaby My Corner of the Imagination XI Hello….It’s been a while… My Corner of the Imagination XIV
solace drawings Leave a reply “Opi_Steeple: Warsaw, Afghanistan, Rome,” 2008. India & sumi inks, acrylic, gouache, graphite, 30″ x 22″ “From on high Iraq, Basilica of Constantine, Afghanistan,” 2008. India & sumi inks, acrylic, conte crayon, charcoal, 30″ x 22″
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Works on Paper “Remains: Light from the Ruins II,” 2013. Sumi and India inks, acrylic, pastel, charcoal on murillo paper, 27½” x 39.” “Meeting Room, with child,” 2013. Sumi and India inks, charcoal on murillo paper, 27½” x 39.” “Widow’s Room Excavated,” vine and compressed charcoal, charcoal pencil. Murillo paper, 27½” x 39. “To the Belly,” 2013. india ink and Sumi ink on Murillo paper, 27½” x 39.”
Murder Ballads, drawings Murder Ballads, 2010-2017 Graphite on paper each around 7″ x 5″ “Murder Ballad,” New York, 1880