Murder Ballad: Gardens Murder Ballad: Swamp FoodMurder Ballad: Succumbing to Spider MumsMurder Ballad: Not Seeing Red or how to keep myself creeped outMurder Ballad: Succumbing to the Sundew
Murder Ballads, late 2017 Leave a reply Murder Ballads: (Submersive Sleep) Murder Ballads: Disrupted form “Murder Ballads: littlelambszedyvy,” graphite on paper, 6″ x 6″
My Corner of the Imagination (chair drawings) The More You Stand Back from Something My Corner of the Imagination II Kleenex and ill chair Rapture (in process) Tilt and Swab-the-Private-Deck Cake “thank g*d for small murders” Joyce Barnaby Tilted Wave hanging In the next room or Out the window Sinus Chair Hello….It’s been a while… My Corner of the Imagination XII My corner of the imagination IV Installation Proposal #2- Raw Chairs I My Corner of the Imagination XIV My Corner of the Imagination XI My Corner of the Imagination I My Corner of the Ocean, Bottled Up My Corner of the Imagination V Don’t let fear win My Corner of the Imagination VI My Corner of the Imagination III In the next room Or Out the window I My Corner of the Imagination X Chair romancing racism and bigotry Installation proposal step one-Covered and Smothered I’ll Fly Away
solace drawings Leave a reply “Opi_Steeple: Warsaw, Afghanistan, Rome,” 2008. India & sumi inks, acrylic, gouache, graphite, 30″ x 22″ “From on high Iraq, Basilica of Constantine, Afghanistan,” 2008. India & sumi inks, acrylic, conte crayon, charcoal, 30″ x 22″
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Works on Paper “Remains: Light from the Ruins II,” 2013. Sumi and India inks, acrylic, pastel, charcoal on murillo paper, 27½” x 39.” “Meeting Room, with child,” 2013. Sumi and India inks, charcoal on murillo paper, 27½” x 39.” “Widow’s Room Excavated,” vine and compressed charcoal, charcoal pencil. Murillo paper, 27½” x 39. “To the Belly,” 2013. india ink and Sumi ink on Murillo paper, 27½” x 39.”
Murder Ballads, drawings Murder Ballads, 2010-2017 Graphite on paper each around 7″ x 5″ “Murder Ballad,” New York, 1880